Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Let’s Conquer Incontinence!

Incontinence, or any leakage of urine, is a very common problem.  Fortunately, incontinence is very often totally fixable, so you have no need to suffer. It begins with identifying which type you have, so we know which strategy will work best.

Stress incontinence is when urine leaks with an identifiable physical force, like coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, running, lifting, etc.  Coughing, sneezing, and laughing are all exhalations,- so simply ...


Make Sure Your Bicycle Fits You!

Not that it is a surprise, but using a well-fitting bicycle can make a big difference in your health. I bought a “sweet bike” a few months ago, but I knew it wasn’t fitting me correctly. Despite my flexibility, good posture, and knowledge of mechanics, my low-back and pelvic area weren’t feeling sweet after riding it. So I finally made the effort to visit Jaime at I Martin Bicycles on Beverly Blvd. (KEEP READING →


Using Elastic Tape to Enhance Your Recovery

Muscle imbalance is common in the presence of pain, limited motion, and weakness.  Some muscles need to work more and some need to work relatively less.  In order to promote this muscle “teamwork,” tape can be used.

Taping, when applied with appropriate understanding of anatomy and function, can effectively eliminate pain, increase range of motion, or improve strength output.
Kinesiotape and KT ...


Pregnancy- feel the excitement, not the pain!

Pregnancy! There are two words that may immediately come to mind. They are excitement and pain. According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than half (50% -70%) of women experience back pain during pregnancy. The pain generally starts in the second half of the pregnancy, but I have seen women with a new onset of back pain in the first month.

This can be attributed to several reasons, including:



Listen To Your Body!

I am always amazed at how much the body has to say about what it needs when you just ask it and listen.  Sound too simple?  Try it!

There are many ways to listen.  First find a quiet space.  Start breathing and take notice of each breath in order to quiet your mind and tune in to yourself.  As an example of what to do next, imagine you are ...


Yoga Research… Yoga Decreases Neck Pain

Yoga is being researched more recently, especially to study its potential for decreasing pain. The study linked here showed a decrease in neck pain for those who participated in yoga.

Check it out:


Get Hip To Your Hip!

Where is the hip?

The hip is where the leg and pelvis meet.  The pelvis is anywhere a pair of brief-underwear covers, so the hip is right below that.  The front of the hip is at the crease of the groin, the back of the hip is right below the roundness of the buttock.  If you rub your ...


Strength After Cancer!

I work with women who are healing and rehabbing after having cancer.  Often, there is a loss of motion, weakness, and pain associated with the scar tissue or with the protective and compensatory behaviors that are so common in a life-changing problem like cancer.  Physical therapy can help with many of the problems by using hands-on techniques, specific exercises, and functional training (how to do all of your daily activities with less strain) to ...


The Potential of the Power Plate

Shake it up, baby!

Do you want to try something new? Whether you want to accelerate a good fitness program or whether you want to rehab more quickly or if you have swelling & circulation issues, you may want to consider this: Several months ago, my colleague told me about a machine she had been using with clients, called Power Plate. It uses whole body vibration with multiple acceleration ...


Yoga for Fertility Class Starting October 2012

Yoga for Fertility is a natural way to begin your journey into motherhood.  This four-class series is designed to create a divine sanctuary within, to help you prepare physically and emotionally for conception, pregnancy and motherhood.  Yoga for Fertility classes include breathing techniques, yoga poses, education on topics such as nutrition for fertility and how to create a sanctuary within your home, and mind-body activities designed to cultivate awareness and compassion.  These activities were ...

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