Physical Therapy Blog

Yoga for Fertility Class Starting October 2012

Yoga for Fertility is a natural way to begin your journey into motherhood.  This four-class series is designed to create a divine sanctuary within, to help you prepare physically and emotionally for conception, pregnancy and motherhood.  Yoga for Fertility classes include breathing techniques, yoga poses, education on topics such as nutrition for fertility and how to create a sanctuary within your home, and mind-body activities designed to cultivate awareness and compassion.  These activities were specifically selected to relax the mind, calm the nervous system, stimulate the centers of the body associated with fertility and open the areas of the pelvis, hip, and spine  which hold and support the reproductive organs.

Each of the four classes is 90 minutes in length and will focus on a particular element in the Four Fields of Fertility – developed by Brenda Strong, spokesperson and board member of the American Fertility Association.  Preparation in the four fields of Thoughts, Emotions, Physical Body, and Breath helps you create a receptive space for life to develop.

Research shows a link between high levels of stress and infertility and supports the use of yoga to decrease stress.  One study, in particular, showed more than double the rate of fertility when stress management and yoga were practiced.

Join a small group of women in a supportive and fun environment as we embrace the possibility of what can be… today and tomorrow.

Anita Lendach, MSPT, WCS is a licensed Physical Therapist and certified Women’s Health Specialist.  She has practiced yoga for over 10 years and had the pleasure of studying with Brenda Strong, developer of Strong Yoga4Fertility, where she completed both Level 1 and 2 instructor training.  Anita combines all of her training and experience with a loving heart to help women find health and radiance within.
(Visit for more on Anita & Radiant Physical Therapy)

The first series will meet at Radiant Physical Therapy in Beverly Hills
Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
October 18th, November 1st, 15th and 29th

Price is $100 for the series or $80 if you register by October 12th.
Class size will be kept small so participants receive a lot of personal instruction. 

Register by email ( or phone (310-203-0100)

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