Pelvic pain is a broad term, which can refer to pain in the lower abdomen, tailbone, groin, reproductive organs, bladder, anal, or pelvic floor areas. With so many important structures in such a small area, it is no surprise that most persons with vaginal pain have problems in several of these sites. Fortunately, my great interest in women’s health and the pelvis has allowed me to build and develop effective treatment strategies to address problems in the pelvis.
Step 1 usually involves quieting the nervous system to set the body at ease and calm the nerve input into the pelvis.
Step 2 then involves decreasing tension in the spine, pelvis, hips, abdomen, and any other related areas. This may be accomplished by hands-on techniques, specific relaxation and quieting exercises, education, and modalities to promote deeper healing. Sometimes the hands-on work is internally done and sometimes externally, with usually a mixture of techniques to strengthen pelvis and reduce vaginal pain.
After the pelvis begins to feel healthy, emphasis shifts to include functional training so you can learn how to minimize the stresses absorbed by the body and enjoy all of your favorite activities – like exercising, sitting for long periods to enjoy a movie, having sex, and appreciating that all of your basic functions work easily.